Each Bath Soak is handcrafted with organic botanicals and minerals to soak up all the goodness in a warm bath, leaving your skin restored, balanced and aromatic.
* Lavender Bath Soak
curated with soothing notes of lavender and vanilla, formulated with mineral-rich Himalayan Sea salt crystals, epsom salt and pink french clay
* Hibiscus Bath Soak refreshing notes of orange and tangerine combinde with epsom salt and sea salt crystals, white clay and hibiscus flowers
* Flower Bath Soak a soothing and nourishing blend of white kaolin french clay, epsom salt, dried lavender, calendula, rose petals and essential oils for sensitive skin
* Relax Bath Tea Soak created from organic lavender, calendula, chamomile, jasmine and rose petals, added mineral rich magnesium flakes for a relaxing and restoring bath